Tuesday 1 January 2013

Believe me when I say, this isn’t over baby.

Today has been horrible. I want to scream and yell at you, use you like a punching bag, cry and cry until you hold me and tell me it’s all going to be OK. But I can’t do that, for the first time I saw someone inside of you without compassion, who didn’t seem to care that this was like being stabbed in the heart. A man who didn’t know how to feel, didn’t know how to love, this was not the man I knew.

The man I know is kind, funny, loving, cares for his friends, loves the Lord, and always has a smile on his face.

What happened to you? Who broke you so badly that at the first sign of something real, you shut down, turn and run, and go completely cold.

I know you don’t believe me that something is here, I know you think it’s all in your head, that your game is so good that you created these feelings, but that’s simply not true.

Believe me when I say, this isn’t over baby.

It’s getting better, I haven’t cried today..

It’s getting better, I haven’t cried today, so that’s good. I know it’s all about timing. You can meet the right person, but it may not be the right time. I’m not saying that I know for sure that you are the right person, but I know that your heart isn’t ready for me. I hope and pray that the Lord will be able to soften your heart to allow you to love someone with His love.
This is hard to explain to other people so I hope that one day I will get to share these entries with you.
I keep thinking about what I said the other night in the car, how I’m always the one before “the one”. This time I really hope that isn’t true.

dairy of a single girl.

It was agreed to keep this story in our memory. But time passes and the conviction outweighs the weight of your absence. I feel guilty to forget the echo of your laughter, the sound of your voice, the smell of your perfume - one on the pull that you left for me fades-, your facial features that more also distinctly appear to me as before. What I'll certainly never forget, is the power of love which assembled us a time. & Then, there are the pictures that we hate because it represents a past long gone, a happiness which will not come back unless you're lucky. And me, my luck, it was you...& hearts <3