Thursday 3 January 2013

It is never easy having things like that happen but you have to have a good cry

It is never easy having things like that happen but you have to have a good cry, dust yourselves off and pick yourselves up. There is nothing more that can be done.

I have been through quite a lot of rubbish things in my life (other people however have certainly had it worse) but I am always asked how I am so strong about them. I am not really sure I am but I do not see the point in giving up. You can be sad for a little while but as my Dad has always said – If something is wrong and you can fix it then do, however if something is wrong and you can’t then you have to get over it and move on.

I am not going to say much more today as I am still quite sad about it all but I promise to give you a much better more upbeat blog to read tomorrow!

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